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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Questions on Law Remedies and Costs
Question: Portray about the Questions on Law for Remedies and Costs. Answer: An agreement is a guarantee or set of guarantees between two gatherings whereby one gathering vows to accomplish something in return of accepting thought from the other party. Such thought must have a monetary worth (Treitel and Peel, 2015). This makes a legitimately restricting agreement between the two gatherings. Such agreement is enforceable by law. An agreement can be in two structures, a composed and an oral (Department of State Development, 2016). A composed agreement is such an understanding where all the terms are composed and marked by the gatherings. An oral agreement nonetheless, doesn't have any such works. It is a simple trade of restricting words which are enforceable by law. An understanding, regardless of whether composed or oral, must be followed according to the terms. An agreement has certain components and these incorporate limit, aim, conviction, thought, offer and acknowledgment (Jacobs, 1985). Above all else, an offer must be made for an agreement and afterward such agreement must be unmistakably acknowledged by the other party. A minor counter offer doesn't frame an acknowledgment. An agreement needs to include a thought of monetary worth (Carter, 2007). Above all, a goal to go into the agreement hosts to be available in the gatherings in any case the entire reason for an agreement is lost. The gatherings to the agreement must be of legally binding capacity. What's more, in conclusion, a conviction with respect to the conditions of the agreement is fundamental to frame an enforceable agreement. In the current case, Richard and his dad went into an understanding whereby Richard needed to cut the family property and do a piece to keep the nurseries clean. Consequently, a thought of $200 was fixed which was to be paid by Richards father. The past nursery temporary worker was paid $350 for a similar activity. In any case, this doesn't discredit the thought fixed for this situation. The gatherings to contract are allowed to fix the thought between them, as long as it has a monetary worth. Along these lines, for this situation, an offer was made, an acknowledgment was accomplished and an appropriate thought was set making this an enforceable agreement (The Law Handbook, 2015). A goal to go into the agreement was available between the gatherings at the hour of arrangement of the agreement (Frey and Frey, 2005). A sureness with respect to the provisions of the agreement was likewise present. Thus, this entire understanding was a legitimate and lawfully enforceable agreement among Richard and his dad. Following a month, Richards father revealed to him that he can't bear to pay Richard $200 per week. He further expressed that as a family, it was Richards duty to tend the nursery and furthermore, that Richard he getting free board and housing. Family understandings are generally not taken as legitimately authoritative. Be that as it may, where clear proof is available unexpectedly, such understandings are official. In the popular instance of Errignton V Errignton, it was held that a dads guarantee to permit his little girl in law and child to live in the house and at last own it, if the equalization of home loan was paid, was considered as an enforceable agreement (Australian Contract Law, 2010). Applying the judgment of this case in the matter of Richard and his dad, the understanding between them was an enforceable agreement. At the point when a gathering backpedals on its guarantee, whereupon the agreement was based, and the outcomes of such, bring about material mischief to the next gathering, the oppressed party can guarantee harms by reasons of penetrate of agreement. Here, Richard was a devastated college understudy and his dad was a mogul. On the off chance that Richard had not worked for his dad, he would have been working elsewhere and gaining cash. Richard was not rich like his dad and required the cash as it was his wellspring of pay. This can be additionally clarified by taking the situation where the nursery temporary worker was all the while working for Richards father. On the off chance that the said garden temporary worker was all the while working in the nursery and doing errands which Richard is currently doing according to the understanding, Richards father would have paid him $350 every week. This sum was almost twofold to what Richards father was paying to Richard. It doesn't make a difference that Richards father was giving Richard free boarding and housing. Had Richard not been doing the nursery tending exercises, he would at present have gotten such boarding and housing. Along these lines, this doesn't influence the understanding made among Richard and his dad in any capacity. The understanding among Richard and his dad was made for a specific reason for tending the nursery. The understanding no place expressed that free boarding and housing would be given in return of this work. Such terms were additionally not present in the understanding between Richards father and the nursery temporary worker. This further reinforces the way that free boarding and housing was not part of the understanding. For this situation, Richard has released his piece of the understanding by playing out the terms of agreement. Yet, on Richards father section, a penetrate of agreement happened. Thus, Richard is qualified to harms because of material penetrate of agreement. Harms for penetrate of agreement are seen as an option for execution. Here, the loss of thought is material in nature and henceforth, Richard would be fruitful in the event that he sued his dad for a penetrate of agreement. He can guarantee harms of thought and separated from that he is additionally qualified for the psychological pain this entire occurrence caused (Australian Law Reform Commission, 2016). Further, Richard has the option to end this agreement. There is sufficient proof in the current case to demonstrate that an enforceable agreement was shaped. What's more, by not following the provisions of the agreement, Richards father has built up a break of agreement. Also, the lawful cures in regards to such penetrate is a suitable legitimate choice accessible with Richard. 2. At the point when an on-screen character is recruited for any acting activity, they are generally required to sign an agreement with the business. This builds up the terms of agreement plainly and expels any odds of uncertainty in the agreement. Such acting agreements contain the business terms, the dates and hours, pay, selectiveness, marketing and advancement and exposure administrations (Atkinson, 2013). A restrictiveness term in as far as possible the on-screen characters option to take part in some other acting business. This can remember a preclusion from showing up for different creations during or considerably after a specific timeframe. This term is a standard structure in acting agreements and is viewed as substantial. Further, selectiveness isn't considered as a limitation to exchange and trade. At the point when involved with an agreement, neglects to play out the provisions of the agreement, it is the situation of break of an agreement by such gathering (Lindgren, 2011). An agreement can be penetrated by reasons of inability to perform or inability to pay or infringement of some other term of agreement which is of material importance. At the end of the day, the premise on which the agreement is made, a guarantee, isn't satisfied or broken. A penetrate can be halfway or material or even expectant. A fractional break is an inability to play out those undertakings which are irrelevant or insignificant. Except if genuine harm is appeared, a gathering can't sue the other party. In instances of material penetrate of agreement, a significant infringement of critical terms of agreement happens. A material penetrate of agreement can diminish a distressed gathering from playing out his piece of agreement and gives him authoritative option to sue for harms (Gibson and Fraser, 2013). An expectant penetrate of agreement results when one gathering quits acting in understanding to the terms of agreement which drives the other party to accept that the principal party has no expectation of satisfying the commitments. A bothered gathering can sue penetrate of agreement in type of harms, without really trusting that the break will happen (McKendrick and Qiao, 2015). At the point when a penetrate of agreement happens, gathering can sue for harms and is additionally qualified for cures. Explicit execution is one of such cures accessible to a bothered gathering (Barnett and Harder, 2014). Explicit execution not accessible as an issue or right but rather must be granted at the circumspection of the court. Explicit execution is a request for the court which requires a gathering to play out specific errands which are expressed in the agreement. It is named an impartial cure and is an option in contrast to granting harms. Impartial cures are granted by the court based on what is reasonable and what appears to be directly in a specific circumstance. Such cures are diverse for each situation and it isn't important to follow the previous cures granted or to adhere to the built up normal laws. These cures require circumspection of court with the goal that court can gauge all the parts of the case and afterward give the impartial equity to the wronged party (Ayres and Klass, 2012). Evenhanded cures are adaptable in nature and guarantee that every circumstance has its satisfactory equity. It is important that fair cures are not utilized as regularly as the legitimate cures (like harms). Impartial cures are granted just when the fiscal harms are either insufficient to the damage done to the wronged party or are hard to ascertain. As expressed above, explicit execution is one of such cures accessible to a wronged party whereby he court can ask the breaking gathering to carry out the responsibilities referenced in the agreement. An order is likewise a type of evenhanded cure whereby a court forestalls a penetrating gathering from doing certain things (Clarke and Clarke, 2016). In this way, by granting a directive request, a court can arrange an individual to not accomplish something which would bring about misfortune to the oppressed party. Orders are given as a cure toward the finish of any claim where a penetrate of agreement has been asserted. These are in the idea of perpetual directive. Transitory directives are granted for a shorter timeframe and are successfully right away. Such directives are normally granted before the beginning of a conventional claim. In conclusion, a primer order can likewise be granted by
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Write a Financial Case Study
Step by step instructions to Write a Financial Case Study Step by step instructions to Write a Financial Case Study A money related contextual investigation is significant in that it helps the accounts understudy just as budgetary professionals in the authority of the components depicted in monetary arranging measures. The methodology utilized recorded as a hard copy a money related contextual analysis is one of the most straightforward to follow. This is fundamentally in light of the fact that it essentially comprises of determined figures, thus, effortlessness. The underlying advance in the composition of a budgetary contextual investigation includes assessing a client’s money related circumstance and distinguishing explicit objectives just as expressing the target of the contextual analysis, which may be to stay away from the fumble of assets for a specific individual or an association, for instance. The subsequent advance is to decide the principle territories that are to be tended to in a monetary arrangement. Afterward, the composition of an arrangement will incorporate the strategies that will be utilized so as to keep up income while limiting its wastage. The fourth step is the ID of any extra information that could be helpful in the foundation of a money related arrangement. In conclusion, different systems are used and suggestions given in the money related arrangement to agreeably address the user’s needs. It is of critical significance to follow the cautious structure of a money related contextual analysis when creating its draft or layout. This will influence the rationale and stream of portrayal in the paper. Regardless of which subject you select to investigate, no auxiliary segment can be precluded. It is now and then likewise critical to get input from your manager or logical guide on the underlying phase of looking into. This will assist with coordinating your work in a fitting way. Also, be sure to edit, alter, and twofold spellcheck your created paper before submitting it. An ineffectively composed paper containing botches and different imperfections will barely gain a high evaluation. At long last, know about literary theft! This is an intense issue that may prompt significant negative outcomes influencing your scholastic profession. Appropriately refer to all sources utilized in your monetary contextual analysis to guarantee that you have not taken somebodys words, thoughts, or research, be it in print, on the web, or in some other organization. Making a monetary contextual investigation is a serious convoluted issue, so one can some of the time think that its hard to deal with particularly on the off chance that one needs time, abilities, and subject information. In any case, this isn't motivation to lose heart. You can generally rely upon the expert assistance of a custom composing organization. Nowadays, you may pick one from a wide scope of online organizations and depend your monetary contextual analysis to their authors. Try not to question that your paper will be made and submitted to you by a given cutoff time and as per your predetermined prerequisites. Scholastic authors at can give you quality Finance contextual investigation help beginning at $13/page. We ensure non-appropriated custom contextual analyses with convenient conveyance.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why does Torvald constantly reprimand Nora for her wastefulness and foolishness while simultaneously supporting her behavior Essay Example
For what reason does Torvald continually censure Nora for her inefficiency and absurdity while at the same time supporting her conduct? Article Torvald sees Nora as a silly lady who is uninformed of the manner in which society works, yet he prefers Nora’s silliness and numbness since they render her defenseless and along these lines subject to him. It before long turns out to be obvious to us that Nora’s reliance, not Torvald’s love for Nora as an individual, frames the establishment of Torvald’s friendship for her. In Act One, Torvald prods Nora about squandering cash yet then attempts to satisfy her by generous giving her more. Also, he brings up her flaws yet then says he doesn’t need her to change a piece. He obviously appreciates keeping Nora in a position where she can't work on the planet without him, regardless of whether it implies that she stays stupid. As a rule, Torvald objects to any sort of progress in Nora’s consistent, devoted aura since he needs to control her conduct. When Nora starts to move the tarantella uncontrollably in Act Two, he is disrupted. In Act One, Nora says that it would embarrass Torvald in the event that he realized he was covertly paying off debtors to her for his life, demonstrating that Torvald needs the force in his union with be uneven rather thanâ mutual. What is the conciliatory job held by ladies of every single financial class in this book? How is it depicted by Ibsen? By and large, the play’s female characters represent Nora’s affirmation (addressed Torvald in Act Three) that despite the fact that men won't penance their honesty, â€Å"hundreds of thousands of ladies have.†In request to help her mom and two siblings, Mrs. Linde thought that it was important to relinquish Krogstad, her trueâ€but pennilessâ€love, and wed a more extravagant man. The babysitter needed to surrender her own kid to help herself by filling in as Nora’s (and afterward as Nora’s children’s) guardian. As she tells Nora, the babysitter views herself as fortunate to have secured the position, since she was â€Å"a poor young lady who’d been driven astray.†We will compose a custom exposition test on Why does Torvald continually censure Nora for her inefficiency and absurdity while at the same time supporting her conduct? explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Why does Torvald continually censure Nora for her inefficiency and silliness while at the same time supporting her conduct? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Why does Torvald continually censure Nora for her inefficiency and stupidity while at the same time supporting her conduct? explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer In spite of the fact that Nora is financially advantaged in contrast with the play’s other female characters, she all things considered has a troublesome existence since society directs that Torvald be the marriage’s prevailing accomplice. Torvald issues declarations and deigns to Nora, and Nora must conceal her advance from him since she knows Torvald would never acknowledge the possibility that his better half (or some other lady) had helped spare his life. Besides, she should work stealthily to take care of her advance since it is illicit for a lady to get a credit without her husband’s authorization. By spurring Nora’s misleading, the perspectives of Torvaldâ€and societyâ€leave Nora defenseless against Krogstad’s coercion. Nora’s surrender of her youngsters can likewise be deciphered as a demonstration of selflessness. In spite of Nora’s incredible love for her childrenâ€manifested by her cooperation with them and her extraordinary dread of adulterating themâ€she decides to leave them. Nora genuinely accepts that the babysitter will be a superior mother and that leaving her youngsters is to their greatest advantage. What reason does the perusing and composing of the letters play in the story? How can it help uncover the idea of the circumstances? A considerable lot of the plot’s exciting bends in the road rely on the composition and perusing of letters, which work inside the play as the subtext that uncovers the valid, horrendous nature of circumstances clouded by Torvald and Nora’s endeavors at beautification. Krogstad composes two letters: the first uncovers Nora’s wrongdoing of falsification to Torvald; the second withdraws his shakedown danger and returns Nora’s promissory note. The principal letter, which Krogstad puts in Torvald’s letterbox close to the finish of Act Two, speaks to reality with regards to Nora’s past and starts the unavoidable disintegration of her marriageâ€as Nora says following Krogstad leaves it, â€Å"We are lost.†Nora’s endeavors to slow down Torvald from perusing the letter speak to her proceeded with forswearing of the genuine idea of her marriage. The subsequent letter discharges Nora from her commitment to Krogstad and speaks to her d ischarge from her commitment to Torvald. After understanding it, Torvald endeavors to come back to his and Nora’s past refusal of the real world, yet Nora perceives that the letters have accomplished more than open her activities to Torvald; they have uncovered reality with regards to Torvald’s self-centeredness, and she can no longer take part in the hallucination of an upbeat marriage. Dr. Rank’s strategy for imparting his inescapable passing is to leave his calling card set apart with a dark cross in Torvald’s letterbox. In a prior discussion with Nora, Dr. Rank uncovers his comprehension of Torvald’s reluctance to acknowledge reality when heâ proclaims, â€Å"Torvald is so critical, he can't look up to - anything ugly.†By leaving his calling card as a demise notice, Dr. Rank graciously endeavors to keep Torvald from the â€Å"ugly†truth. Different letters incorporate Mrs. Linde’s note to Krogstad, which starts her - extraordinary gathering with him, and Torvald’s letter of excusal to Krogstad.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Humor in the Workplace Essay - 2200 Words
Humor in the Workplace (Essay Sample) Content: HUMOR IN THE WORKPLACEName:Institution affiliated:Date of submission:Tutor:TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction...............................................................................................................................3Benefits of humor in the workplace...........................................................................................3How humor can be incorporated into the workplace.................................................................7Guidelines to humor in the workplace and the related obstacles to its adoption......................8Conclusion.................................................................................................................................9References................................................................................................................................10IntroductionIt is always said that laughter is considered the best medicine. It is, therefore, important to consider humor and la ughter in any organization from the top most directors to the subordinate staff as it provides them with many benefits CITATION Mon12 \l 2057 (Monica, 2012). In general, humor is important as it creates a favorable working environment for all employees within the organization and ensures that they remain motivated in their daily activities. The report aims to identify and discuss the benefits that are involved in the nurturing of humour in the workplace, how humour can be incorporated in the workplace and guidelines that can be used to recognize and incorporate humour into the workplace. Change is inevitable in any society. Julia and Hope, (2004) argued that change is the only constant thing in any organizational operations. In fact, change is credited with most of the improvement witness in the world. Humor has been identified to a bridge through which organizational changes can be achieved CITATION Jul04 \l 2057 (Julia Hope, 2004).Benefits of humor in the workplaceMuch improve ment noticed in different fields and areas in the world result from embracing change and innovation. Certain measures can be applied internally to have a great impact on the competitive nature of the firm in its market. Reducing expenses would lead to more funds left aside to be used in other viable projects or in other departments in the company that could have a positive impact on the competitive edge of the Corporation CITATION Bas01 \p 1-2 \l 2057 (Kathi, Fredrick, Peter, 2001, pp. 1-2). Some of these achievements to change and innovation in an organization can be achieved through the promotion of humor in the organization. The benefits that are derived from encouraging humor in the workplace are numerous but can be grouped into six major groups. These groups include communication, relationship building, productivity, problem-solving, leadership and health. On an individual level in the workplace, humor has also been identified to promote creativity and creative problem solvi ng and stress reduction CITATION Rob132 \l 2057 (Robert Carl, 2013).Humor has been identified to promote effective communication within an organization. Among the benefits of humor identified by scholars in promoting communication are the facts that it increases persuasion and aids in learning. Humor in communication also gets people to listen to the speaker; it increases the long-term memory retention and increases the likeability of the speaker to the listeners CITATION Cho \l 2057 (Chockalingam, David, Jessica, 2012). Humor provides persuasion to the listeners where the people are likely to be in disagreement. Some messages are likely to create a mixed reaction among the listeners and humor can be used in such instances to distract them before they create counter arguments to the message. Humor helps in learning as it has been identified to reduce anxiety among the learners, therefore, creating a more positive and conducive learning atmosphere while facilitates the learning process. Humor provides a way forward for individuals to resolve their issues in stressful conditions. A speaker who consistently appropriately makes use of humor in the messages that they pass across will most likely make people wants to listen to the message being passed across CITATION Jer11 \l 2057 (Jerald, 2011). The speaker who appropriately uses humor is also likely to develop a favored attitude from the listeners. Finally, humor has been discovered to promote communication through increasing of long memory retention of listeners. Humor increases the concentration of the listeners, therefore, enhancing the studentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ capability to process the message being passed across resulting in better learning (Christopher James, 2012).Humour has also been identified to promote productivity in the workplace. It improves motivation, employee engagement within the organization, reduces absenteeism of the staff from work and reduces long-term burnout. Humour creates motivation am ong the workers and provides a working environment that promotes proper organizational culture. This also improves the morale of the employees thus making them more productive in their routine activities (Christopher, Timothy, Joyce, 2015). Similarly, light-hearted managers usually encourage the employees to be actively engaged in their routine activities for the overall success of the organization to be achieved. Humour has also been identified to improve on employeesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ performance as the employees remain joyful in their activities as well as being satisfied. Humour also creates cohesion among the employees which helps them to decrease stress thus reducing the probability of absenteeism of the employees for no proper reason. Finally, since humor has been shown to reduce instances of absenteeism and increase the loyalty of the employees to the organization, it also helps to prevent employee burnout thus increasing the productivity of each employee CITATION Tha13 \l 2057 (Jessica Jason, 2013).In the workplace, it is important to create strong relationships among the members for better performance to be achieved through the better interaction of employees. Humor is a vital ingredient in developing strong relationships in the workplace as it ensures that builds strong relationships among the employees. Among the benefits of humor in building strong relationships are that it diffuses conflict, reduces status differentials, builds trust, connects with others and encourages people to work together CITATION Sal14 \p 418 \l 2057 (Salvatoore, 2014, p. 418). Humor provides individuals with a means through which they can facilitate their conversations as well as bridge their personal differences. Humor is usually used even in the international levels to create and establish peace in international mediation. Humor also builds trust among the employees as it is used to improve on the cohesiveness of the individuals as well as reducing the status differences. It provides the employees with an opportunity to build trust in team building among the different groups in an organization. In most organizations, there exists a gap between the managers and the employees. Humor can be used in such cases to bridge the social gap that exists between the two groups thus reducing the status differences that will allow for better organizational performance. Ultimately, humor connects people together and encourages them to work together as a unit for the greater goal of achieving a target objective. The response to humor by most individuals is that is automatically allows them to connect and interact socially. This helps to promote mutual investment among the employees for them to achieve the target that they have set CITATION Dav14 \l 2057 (David Lu, 2014).Among the benefits that have been identified when it comes to leadership includes the fact that it develops skills, creates opportunities, increases organizational profits and builds credible and competent individuals in the organization. The people in the workplace who use humor especially in the stressful situations are likely to be more in control of things and situations in the organization CITATION Rod10 \p 367 \l 2057 (Rod, 2010, p. 367). Further research has identified that humor also creates more opportunities for development in the workplace. The staff that displays humor in the workplace are more likely to be given get more opportunities for growth and development of skills within the organization. Organizations that have developed successful humor programs and opportunities are usually linked with successful leadership. Encouraging humor creates a healthy relationship among all the member staff in the organization thus improving the performance and output that they provide. Better working performance increases the profits and compliance in the organization that in turn leads to the development of successful business culture. Humour also improves problem-solving as it reduces the stresses in the workplace that the staff has due to the role conflict in the workplace CITATION Ste141 \l 2057 (Steffen Hege, 2014).On the issue of health, it is true that a healthy workforce will be more productive thus ensuring that the organization objectively achieves its targets. Studies have shown that humor and laughter can increase the relative blood flow of individuals in the organization. Humour and laughter also strengthen the immune system of individuals in the organization. A jovial individual is usually healthy as they ensure that they block the production of stress bodily hormones such as cortisol. Other important benefits of humor and laughter health wise include the burning of calories, relaxation of muscles and also increase happiness CITATION Had13 \l 2057 (Hadi, Rozeyta, Norhani, 2013).How humor can be incorporated into the workplaceResearch on th...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Evidence that Socialisation Plays a Major Part in...
The Evidence that Socialisation Plays a Major Part in Shaping Human Behaviour Socialisation is the lifelong process by which human behaviour is shaped through experience in social institutions (e.g. family, which is a crucial factor in primary socialisation). Through socialization, individuals learn the values, norms (formal and informal rules), and beliefs of a given society. In considering the nature of the self, it is necessary to include a still more fundamental social scientific issue – the extent to which human beings are being formed by biological inheritance (i.e. genetic determinism), or through socialisation (i.e. cultural determinism); the issue called nature-nurture debate. Another†¦show more content†¦Usually, those factors are the family, peer groups, of close friends and closely-knit groups of neighbours. Within these groups, through personal experience, the individual learns ‘primary values’ such as love, loyalty, justice, sharing, and etc. Freud claimed that the first few years of a person’s life – those usually spent amongst primary groups – are the most important in forming the structure of the person’s character. In contrast, secondary groups are usually large, more impersonal and formally organised, and exist for specific purposes. In the secondary stage, the individual learns by himself or herself more values and norms which are to be applied for the individual to fit in. This includes learning how to organise and conduct oneself in formal contexts (backgrounds) and how to behave towards people who have different degrees of status and authority. One of the crucial agents of secondary socialisation is school. Trade unions and professional associations, also secondary socialisation agents, can affect an individual’s behaviour when an individual agrees to conform to the beliefs, aims and regulations of the organisation. Therefore, indirectly, the individual accepts a socialising influence on his or her conduct. In both primary and secondary groups, the mass media (e.g. radio, television, the cinema) also plays aShow MoreRelatedAlevels Sociology3511 Words  | 15 Pagesthat is there is human free will which is also limited by social structure example institutions, laws Functionalist Theory and consensus: The functionalist school is linked with sociologists such as Talcott Parsons, Kingsley Davis, Wilbert Moore, and Emile Durkheim (see Farley, 2000:72). 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change Essay
Introduction: The Paris Agreement On December 12 of 2015, 195 countries made history by committing to the first truly global international climate change agreement (Paris Agreement, 2015). This agreement took place in Paris and was adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The outcome of the Paris Conference on Climate Change was described as â€Å"revolutionary†(Venezuela) â€Å"marvelous act†(China) and as â€Å"a tremendous collective achievement†(European Union) that introduced a â€Å"new era of global climate governance†(Egypt) while â€Å"restoring the global community’s faith of accomplishing things multilaterally†(USA) (Paris Agreement, 2015). Prior to the Paris Agreement, participating countries have submitted national plans that addressed their intentions for combatting the climate change after 2020 (Dimitrov 2016). These nationally determined contributions outlined a number of issues – all being relevant to adapting and coping with climate change challenge. Although these contributions are not final, they are representative of the intended climate actions that countries will pursue after 2020. Among the main goals of the Paris Agreement is to hold â€Å"the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2ï‚ °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5ï‚ °C above pre-industrial levels†(Paris Agreement, 2015). That is, countries involved in the agreement are expected to implement measures thatShow MoreRelatedUnfccc. The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change1740 Words  | 7 PagesUNFCCC The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was opened for signature in June 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where it was signed by 155 States and the European Union (EU), was then entered into force on 21 March 1994 having been approved by 193 States and the EU as of January 2011. This Framework Convention on Climate Change acts as an alliance to mediate disagreement involving many parties andRead MoreThe United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change922 Words  | 4 PagesI: Political The main barrier to meeting the challenges of climate change is political inertia. As the centres of political power, it is the responsibility of government officials to use their best judgement and make sound policy decisions on behalf of citizens. Such decisions require active engagement with other governments as well as with experts, stakeholders and the public. In the context of climate change, it also entail a careful a balance the short-and long-term effects of taking or failingRead MoreUnited Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change887 Words  | 4 Pagesof the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) where a new agreement is to be signed about climate change at Paris summit in December 2015. In addition, the report points out that renewable energy is countries’ essential tool not only to fulfil climate change mitigation objectives but also to incite economic growth. In fact, I belief that renewabl e energy is the pledge that each nation must take to avoid potential harms of ecosystemsRead MoreUnited Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change2879 Words  | 12 Pagesstranded polar bears, the mascots of climate change show how rapidly the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are changing the planet. Such examples, in addition with the rising price of energy, drive people to want to reduce consumption and lower their personal shares of global emissions. In the 1990s, almost every member state of the United Nations resolved to confront global warming and manage its consequences. Thus the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) international treaty recognizedRead MoreEstablishing The Institutional Framework For The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change2515 Words  | 11 PagesEstablishing the institutional framework for the CDM in Montenegro Draft May 2005 Module III: Tradable Renewable Certificates and Certified Emission Reductions in Montenegro Part A - CDM in Montenegro Module III: Tradable Renewable Certificates and Certified Emission Reductions in Montenegro Part A - CDM in Montenegro Draft Page 1 of 11 Index Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2 Special circumstances for theRead MoreGoal 7 Of The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change992 Words  | 4 PagesGoal 7 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) sustainability goals (2014) is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.In breaking down this goal, a number of specific targets have been generated to make the goal more attainable. The first of which is being able to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural disasters in all countries. This target is difficult to assess because it is not directly measurableRead MoreKyoto Protocol And The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change1256 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a legally binding international agreement, which was adopted in December 1997 and came into effect in February 2005. It aims to mitigate the effects of anthropogenic climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Since â€Å"an emission anywhere in the world contributes to global warming†(Campbell), international cooperation was necessary to address climate change as, without everyone’s involvement, notRead MoreThe Treaty Of South Africa Kyoto Protocol Under The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change Essay887 Words  | 4 Pages2.0. Introduction The Republic of South Africa signed the Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 31 July, 2002 as a non-annex I party. Therefore, South Africa, like all other developing countries has not been allocated specific targets to commit to under the protocol. At the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP) negotiations that took place in Copenhagen in 2009 (UNFCC, 2009), South Africa took the responsibility to carry out mitigation actions toRead MoreThe Policy And Regulations On Ccs949 Words  | 4 Pages2.9 Policy and Regulations on CCS 2.9.1 What Does a Comprehensive Policy Framework Look like? According to IEA’s (2012) ‘Technology Perspectives 2012 2oC’ report, limiting the long term global temperature increase to 2oC necessitates CCS to account for one-sixth of emission reduction from a ‘business as usual scenario’ by 2050 (IEA, 2013a, p.5). This implies that the amount of captured and stored CO2 across the power generation sector should hit about 7.8 GtCO2 in 2050 (IEA, 2012). Achieving theseRead MoreThe Kyoto Protocol ( Kp )1180 Words  | 5 Pagespossible with international cooperation. With this in mind, the Kyoto Protocol (KP) was devised. The ultimate goal of the KP was synonymous to that of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): to â€Å"prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system†(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2014). To achieve this, the KP outlined several goals that include: 1. GHG emissions reduction and increased energy efficiency in developed countries, 2
The American Dream and Great Depression free essay sample
The American dream what is the American Dream? The American Dream is the traditional social idea of the United States, such as equality, democracy, and material prosperity. Where did the concept of the American Dream derive from? The dream of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness originated with the declaration of independence and still continues today almost unchanged except more people are now included in it. What are some key aspects which relate to living a life which aspires to the American Dream? Give details. iberty, equality, and economic opportunity. These concepts were put in place for everyone to live a better, richer and fuller life, with opportunities for each according to their ability of achievement Was ‘success’ an important value in relation to the concept of the American Dream? Yes, The Dream implies that there is an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work. It is an opportunity to make individual choices without the prior res trictions that limited people according to their class, caste, religion, race, or ethnicity. We will write a custom essay sample on The American Dream and Great Depression or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Has the concept of the American Dream changed over time? Explain. The meaning of the American Dream has changed over the course of history, and includes both personal components.. As the Royal Governor of Virginia noted in 1774, the Americans for ever imagine the Lands further off are still better than those upon which they are already settled. He added that, if they attained Paradise, they would move on if they heard of a better place farther west. The ethos today implies an opportunity for Americans to achieve prosperity through hard work. According to The Dream, this includes the opportunity for ones children to grow up and receive a good education and career without artificial barriers. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the prior restrictions that limited people according to their class, caste, religion, race, or ethnicity. Immigrants to the United States sponsored ethnic newspapers in their own language; the editors typically promoted the American Dream. The Great Depression America had gone through many hard times during the 1800’s with bank panics, depression and other economic issues, but never did it suffer an economic illness so deep and so long as the Great depression of the 1930’s. Economist have argued as to what had caused the Great Depression and had come to the conclusion that there were many factors which contributed to this. Some include * The stock market crash * Bank failures * Too many poor people * Farm Failures * Environmental disasters * Government inaction All these factors are what is thought to have causes the Great Depression, and the consequences of the Great Depression were horrible. * Thousands of people were left jobless and would roam the streets looking for work. * More than a million families lost their houses * Bread lines were established to prevent people from starvation * Thousands of farmers left their homes and headed to the west, especially California, but found that the crisis was just following them there. World War 2 was what gave people jobs and boosted the economy out of the depression. The depression produced lasting effects on the United States that are still apparent. It led to the election of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who created the programs known as the New Deal to overcome the effects of the Great Depression. These programs expanded government intervention into new areas of social and economic concerns and created social-assistance. The Great Depression changed the relationship between the government and the people, who came to expect and accept a larger federal role in their lives and the economy. * Bibliography THE AMERICAN DREAM: Internet – Early To Rise http://www. earlytorise. com/american-dream/ Internet- Sparknotes http://www. sparknotes. com/drama/americandream/ Book extracts – Board Questions- http://theboard. byu. edu/questions/31269/ THE GREAT DEPRESSION: Internet- For Dummies- http://www. dummies. com/how-to/content/causes-and-consequences-of-the-great-depression. html Internet- Skwirk, interactive schooling- http://www. skwirk. com. au/p-c_s-14_u-418_t-1062_c-4091/vic/history/australia-between-the-wars/the-great-depression/america-and-the-wall-street-crash By Megan Scott
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